Saturday, July 23, 2011

Im going out with my boyfriend but i think i like this other guy, help?

so there's this guy that i used to like but he went out with my friend but he liked me not her, but people just wanted him and my friend to be together. So then 1 year later it was so hard for me to move on but then i met this other guy and i started to like him then the first gy comes back in and told me that i was the one he liked not my friend and he said he still likes me but im already going out with the second guy. Now the first guy says he doesn't like me anymore because im going out with the second guy but the second guy doesn't know any of this. What should i do? Please help!

Is resoling Clarks Crepe soles worth the money you save?

This year I am debating getting another pair of Clarks Desert Boots, or resoling them with Resole America or a similar company. Since the uppers of my old boots are fine, I'd like to just replace the kaput soles. Are there any previous customers of this service out there, who can attest to whether they're worth saving the 30-40 bucks? (it is $60 to resole them and around $90 to buy new) The things I'm thinking about here are, do they last as long, are they as comfortable, etc.

Where can I buy wolf fangs?

I totally love Teen Wolf (the new MTV series) and i want to know where i could buy wolf fangs like the ones used in Teen Wolf. Thanks for the answers! I appreciate it!

Halloween costume ideas anyone?

So, Halloween is coming up, and I need a good (slightly sexy) costume! So I was thinking a Tiger, Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (A sexy female edition of course) , or a Wolf, which sounds better? :] If you have any suggestions let me know, if not, which is your favorite?

Please help i want to know the name of one commercial?

i saw this commercial 2 or 3 years ago as i remember on eurosport 2 the plot is like this: winter, In the middle of wood man is coming and he is exhausted i think and cold so he is so tired that he lays down right on the snow, than wolfs appear and you think that they will eat him, but no they lay on him in order to not let him froze. the end. and at the end there was written something like save the nature or so don't remember exactly. please help if you know where to find it or what is it cold??

Why wont my windmill/water mill work in the "Better Than Wolves" mod in minecraft?

I have the windmill I have no more than three axles and a gear box connecting in between each one all the way down to the mill stone. it is not raining. There is power coming from the windmill itself but for some unknown reason it will not go through the next gear box...This has been driving me mentally insane for the past few hours because I can find no reason as to why it wont work O.o

Radiation Question: Sv and Gy?

What's the difference between Sievert and Gray? The formulas to calculate them are the same, so why are there two different units?

Have i any right to tell her that i think the man she fancies is gay?

Why would it matter? If they are doing something they enjoy, I don't really think it's your place to stop it. Especially since his supposed "gayness" is just idle speculation. It shouldn't involve you, but if you must be involved, just suggest it casually. Just say, "Maybe he's gay."

What was the name of 1950's or 1960's American film about a woman who was virtually sold to a furrier?

The woman tried to escape but couldn't. Then the man had an accident and the woman had to chop his leg off. it is set in the wild and there are wolves and very bleak conditions. It is in black and white.For some reason this film has stuck in my mind but I dont remember what it was called.

What kind of shrub is it? resembles butterfly bush?

There's a big plant that I pass by on my way to work and I can't figure out what it is. It looks like a butterfly bush because of the flowers. They're a bunch of small guys together just like the butterfly bush. BUT the leaves are wide, dark, and big. The leaves aren't small and thin like the butterfly bush or chaste tree, or round like a crepe myrtle. The leaves are more maple-shaped I guess you could say. Anyone have an idea of what it is? It's been in bloom since at least the beginning of May.

Depo symptoms or pregnancy symptoms?

I don't know if its a "fake period" or what because I'm having pain in my lower left side,nausea, and I'm getting tired of it. I took the shot march 1st and had unprotected sex on the 9th. Just started getting symptoms on the 14th Are these just symptoms of the shot or what? My period is irregular so it doesn't have a regular schedule. Last month it started on valentines day and I haven't had any kind of bleeding so far. I'm getting a test hopefully at the gy when I talk to her about changing this horrible b/c method.

Guys and girls, advice please, what do i do about the guy i like?

You could be bipolar and that was a coincidence your mind is making up, Or you could be fabricating things out of thin air about how the first guy likes you because it is often that way and you really don't know much about him. Then you may find you like the second guy more or not at all. It's okay to be indifferent in relationships, it's not always supposed to be on-off.

Where should I put my blank spike on Aisics GY 754?

There are 7 holes in the shoe, and it came with 6 spikes and one blank. I am a sprinter, so where should I put the blank?

How to curl my hair like this?

Start from the bottom and slowly twist it up but tilt to the side. Make sure you brush every piece of hair before you curl it so its soft, and use a smoothing balm. Sometimes you can braid your hair when its wet and wait 12 hours then take it out. It should look similar to that.

How many closers does a team actually need?

my guess is your prolly winning or at least top 3 in the saves category??? so you dont want to be getting rid of anyone cuz you have atleast 10 points locked up cuz you have pretty decent closers who have amassed alot of saves dont want to be trading 1 away and then slipping in the saves category because of know closers are going to close you dont always no how the hitters are going to do stand pat and goodluck the rest of the way

Rate my Skull Servant Deck please?

I have been playing skull servants for years now and each build is different. but unless you have a mill version I suggest you take out the skull servants and instead use cards like book of life, call of the haunted, burial from a different dimension for recycling, shutendojin for draw power and set you up to use wightmare. gold sarcophagus works well too. card destruction. skull deck seem to work well with little traps. royal decree is good.

What food goes well with crepes?

For a graduation party with a crepe bar, but there needs to be another option for those who don't like crepes.

ITunes video download music changed?

I downloaded some videos from iTunes. I got all of the episodes from the new MTV show teen wolf, and in almost every episode so far, not all of the music is the same as it was on tv or on Is it because of copyright infringement or something? Please help me. I know I can't do anything to change it, but the amazing music on this show makes the show even better. Why is it when I downloaded the tv show episodes that iTunes or something has changed the original music that went with that episode in the first place? Any ideas why? Has anybody else noticed this when they downloaded tv shows or movies from iTunes?

Which is a better K-Pop industry?

S.M. Entertainment or GY Entertainment. I listen to both industries respectfully, but which one do you like better and why?

What to do with crepes?

You can try' flambe' crepes, use orange juice (fresh) warmed in the pan, grate a little zest in also, then fold the crepes in quarters and soak in the juice, if you are allowed add a LITTLE brandy and light the pan to burn off the alcohol, serve with creme fresh, caramel sauce, butterscotch sauce, ice cream or anything you like.

How can i use ice after surgery?

I had meniscus surgery in my knee today. Its a bit painful and swollen. I can not take off my bandage (crepe and cotton wool) for 48 hours but would like to use ice to sooth the area. Would just like to know how I can do this. I have ice cube bags and also cold craps.

How do I sound singing on Youtube? Be honest please?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Another food survey anyone?

coke lemonade cotton candy salad noodles ice cream burger cereal orange marinara DQ crepes reular soda

Why is it gay for a guy to wear white skinnies?

Its so stupid cause eeryone is allowed to wear whatever they want and to look good. A lot of girls for some reason think its gay for whatever reason they have. S apparently everything is gy for a guy to wear now. Gay is a sexual attraction to the same sex not how guys dress. Get it right.

How do I tell my parents?

Just be honest, extravagant lies never work. Trust me. If you're parents still don't agree, ask your boyfriend if he could maybe convert. Worth a try, good luck (:

Wolf and Spice light novel?

Where does the end of the last episode of season 2 start in the light novels(which volume and chapter). I want to know this so I dont have to read the story I already watched in the anime series.

Guys: what does it mean when a guy does this ?

ok i wanna ask this to guys cuz i realy need a guy's opinion. so im in 8th grade and i like one of my gy friends (hes in 8th too) ok so i really can't tell if he likes me or not an i really want to find out.. ok first thing's first.. he has a bestfriend thats a girl and another really close friend thats a girl but they both have boyfriends. ive asked him if he liked any of them and he sed no but he used to like his bestfriend. he recently broke up with his girlfriend( she broke up with him) and i was there for him , i told him that if he wanted to tlk i was there and blah blah.. ok so the point is , he really teases me alot about my height cuz im really short (4'11) and hes 6'1 /: soooo yeaa.. then i noticed he started to become nicer and started flirting with me nd stuff and that is wat made me start liking him more. he is not a player or a flirt he only flirts and is nice with girls he likes. (thats wat he told me) but i dont know if hes nice or mean to me cuz he flirts, and then hes mean and then hes nice ! it's like what the hell ?! so i really wanna know. oh and by the way, just a few days ago(he was in the most flirtiest mood) he kept complimenting me while we were at the school garden completing an assignment with the class. so he complimented me, gave me many hugs told people we were dating and everything. and then the thing he did that made me question the most was : HE PUT HIS ARM AROUND MY WAIST ! but he walked around the garden with me like that for like the rest of the time and there was one point where he sed "i like ur curves" but i could tell he was just playig around.. before we left one of his friends said "imagine u guys go out" he didnt say anything and i was like noooo ;) haha and his friend continued saying how were we gonna kiss if he was so tall and then he(the guy i like) told me to tippy toe(he had mentioned before that he loved it when girls had to tippytoe to kiss a guy) and called his friend over to show him that it was possible and then sed to himself "she would never go out with me anyways" i heard him say that ad then he told me but i stayed quiet... what does this mean ? does he really like me ? is he just a flirt ? is he trying to take the next step ? or does he just see me as friend ? oh ! and also lately a few days after all that happend he started getting mean again but yesturday he was really nice while talking on the phone. what does he mean ? /: plz help guys ! (: thanks!

Friday, July 22, 2011

I have a 6 week old Ankle sprain..should I tape my ankle for a party that I'm going?

My advice? Wear the freaking brace!!!!!!! Not wearing the brace and just taping or crepeing it could very well cause permanent damage! Don't be an idiot and cause yourself a life of pain for one stupid party! This isn't the only party you'll ever have but this is the only chance you have to make sure your ankle heals properly!

How to connect a camera firewire to aluminum Macbook?

Get to Your local tech store. big box type store, they will have a card you install to give you a firewire port on your laptop. I just hope your laptop has the necessary power to video editing and not take 24 hours to burn a DVD

What are some good rap songs?

I need some good songs to get high to! I have getting into smoking pot and want some good songs to gy high to

Please Help! I really need opinions and help naming my new dog!?

Okay, I recently rescued a German Shepherd/Husky Mix out of a bad situation. He is gorgeous! Jet Black with white running up the insides of his legs/chest with ice blue eyes. He looks like a lanky wolf. I was pretty much set on the name Fluke but the more I call him by that name the more I don't like it. His original name was "Stampy" which is just awful! The only names I like that I can think of that rhymes with that is Riley and Rocky (both sorta over used). I would really love any ideas yall have. I'd like to name him something that 'goes with him'. Either a Indian/Wolfish etc. name or Southern (TX) names would be great too. My family has tried to help out and the names they came up with (that I remember) are Kobe, Kodah, Frost, Grits, Grizz, Banjo, and Rio. Anyways, of course I'll choose his name based on what fits him best I'm just stuck and need some help! Thanks yall!

Unique Pancake Recipes?

rainbow pancakes! Take enough batter and mix it with some food dye. do this with all of the colors and you can make a pancake rainbow. They don't taste any better than regular pancakes but they are very pretty. I am vegan and I love pancakes too. I just make mine with soymilk and egg replacer.

Where can i download korean dramas online for free?

a href="" rel="nofollow" is definitely a good choice!

Has Funimation set a release date for Spice and Wolf season 2 english dub yet?

Cant find anything useful on their web site except i think something about 2011-08-02 (Idk if thats 8/2/11 or 2/8/11) = / But that might be when it was released sub (if its was 2/8/11) i dont know much and was just wondering.

Would this be the right thing to do?

so i like this gy and im not sure about whether he likes me my friend said i should pretend to date my guy friend to see whether he acts differently would this be a stupid move btw the guy who i would pretend to date would know were pretending

He may like me.....Please Answer!!!!?

Hey one of my guy firends convinced me that I should go out with this guy, because he thinks we would be a cute couple, anyay I do know this gy he is really sweet, I 've texte him b4 and we had a good convo, anyway I have recently friended him on facebook and he accepted, I thought that I would Chat with him, because I don't have any of my classes with him. Problem is he's never on chat so should I send him a message, if so what should i say?!?! Thanks so much!!

What does this dream mean?

I really don't have a clue what it means? could just be one of those weird dreams everybody has

My mom and sister think I'm going to develope anorexia: does this sound like I am?

Your body will tell you if you need more calories. That seems like very little food to me, but I'm a guy who exercises a lot. If that amount of food makes you full, then it's enough. If you hungry a lot, then eat more. Your not anorexic unless you eat then gag yourself to throw it up, so you'll get the false feeling of fullness.

Answer plz?????!?.............?

depends on his reaction when you turned him down. If he felt kinda sad or crushed and quickly said that to not emasculate himself he was probably serious. If he didn't care that you said no then he was prob just being a pric.

Making my hair blonde?

So i had rlly blonde hair and kind of strawberry blonde but as i got older it turned dirty-blonde. I gy highlights and they faded then u dyed it and it turned really red and not how i wanted. I just tryed Sun In but used a blow dryer. I was wondering if there was anyway to make it really blonde without dye? Thanks!

What is the best professional camcorder under $2000?

I'm looking to purchase a new/ used camcorder. The only thing I can find that's within that range is the JVC gy HD100 or 110u.

Growing crepe myrtles?

Not sure what you question really is. If the previous answer doesnt provide you with what you want to know then add a comment to the bottom of your question.

How many calories did I eat today? How many should I eat to loose weight?

Try to lay more off of the foods rich in fat. There are 2 types of fat: 1 bad, and 1 good. Its based off of the oils in the foods. The sunflower oil and other oils like that are a NO-NO. You could replace the muffin with a bowl of cereal (not the first ingredient being sugar). Try to have less sugar foods. Your dinner is fantastic by the way! Also you may just be growing... Good luck!

Copyscape Logo is out of place on my blog?

a href=""…/a

Crepe recipe with chocolate filling?

I prefer warm crepes and have not found a chocolate filling that holds up to my satisfaction. Rather, I like chocolate crepes, filled with dark sweet cherries sauteed in butter and flambeed with Kirsch, rolled and topped with hot fudge sauce, whipped cream and chocolate shavings/gratings.

Why does the work energy theorem for an incompressible fluid not contain units of work in it?

Because its a work-energy-density equation. Pressure has units of work per unit volume. The kinetic energy and potential energy use mass density not mass, so they are energy density terms. Its just a generalization of the standard work-energy theorem to apply to extended continous media.

What year was the crepe created?

I know that the crepe was created in Brittany, France, but is there a circa for when it was officially called the crepe, or how it got there?



Jordan retro 5 wolf grey?

idk where to buy, they are sold out everywhere. i tried ebay and they charge like an extra 60 dollars for them. do any of u know a site that sells them for a reasonable price or when footaction will restock them.

Is this a cheesy way or an amazing way to ask somebody out?

Nice idea. Shame he can't do it in person but at least you'll have a way to remember it...Be ware all that lunar energy its pretty powerful...but... be sure to both howl at the moon at the same time. ..Your breath can connect and in quantum physics thats ALMOST like a kiss;)

How do I get my girlfriend to go on the Skydive ride with me?

She went on Raging Bull, Iron Wolf, Superman, The Demon, etc. But why won't she do the Skydive ride?

How do I know if I'm a were wolf? Does it sound like it to u?

My nails gorow really fast. I sleep hard and if I ever dream I have night mares. I was born June 16 which caused it to be a full moon it was the biggest moon of the year. My first name is bella and my middle is Luna meaning beautiful moon. When I shave my legs it all grows back in the morning. I love rare meat to and love the woods one time I ran away and ran into the woods and rested.

Can you make crepes this fast?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Baby crepe Myrtle leaves are Drooping!!!?

Drooping leaves mean not enough or too much water. The pot needs to drain real good. It needs to be watered real good so the water will go through the soil. The soil needs to dry between watering.

Here's one that will wake ya?

Why do people in country's who are heavily influenced by pop culture, such as united states, uk, Canada etc. Are such douche bags who only care about themselves and nowadays don't even realize how much a holes they are being, all the people around me are having sex at 15 and drinking, smoking, partying.....and most likely be found dead with **** all over their faces at age 33, but anyways yea it seems like this culture, tv, media, turns people into total self indulgent, decedent, slave larva, idiotic, mindless, cock-mongling, queef burger sampling, people, it's so weird, these people are foccuss on problems that have nothing to do with life or the worlds current state of affairs, example: me:" dude don't you just wanna start a militia, go into mexico and get rid of all the drug traffickers?" friend: " dude, no comment on my pic please" me: -_- another example: me: " hey did you hear about how both political party's are run by the same people and our water has lithium in it and our phones can get taped without warrant and police now have the right to kick our door in without warrant and rape our wife's?" friend: " haha yea hold up new episode of teen wolf"

What is this anime called?

its about a bunch of wolves, ...................... i saw it on youtube and watched some of it, but i forget the name, i cant telly ou much ....... srry

I m writing a story about vampires and wolves what should i name my chracters?

The lead is to girls and a guy one girld and guy r wolves other girl vampire 2 more wolves both male and 2 more vampires that are male and female couple

(Percy Jackson)Heroes of Olympus, why did Thalia ask the demigods if anyone had been bitten by Lycaon?

What would have happened if they had been bite? Would Thalia shoot them? I think if they got bitten it would mean they would turn into a wolf and join Lycaon's pack.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Jvc gy hm 100 is this a good video camera with 10 optical zoom?

yes. what makes this especially good is the high data rate (35 mbps) MPEG2 recording. MPEG2 is the codec used by broadcast stations for HDTV. i have a JVC HDD everio with the same encoding and have been quite happy with it.

I need some French Food Recipes for a french party, that are yummy and easy to prepare, Help?

Okay so I'm in French 1 and I decided to have a little french party with a few of my close friends who are also in French Class, right now I have already decided to make Crepes, Croque Monsieur/Madame, and cream puffs, now I just want some really delicous French Food!!But hopefully not too diffucult to prepare since we are cooking it in a 3hour block or so, thanks!

Justin Bieber's Perfume Commercials?

dude he is not ugly that was seriously a hater move, he's the one on tv not you. Stop sipping that haterade

Why are bears so fast?

They're big(or fat) yet run as fast as a wolf. I once saw a vid of a beat chasing down a wolf and eating it for breakfast. Actually I'm not sure if the wolf was eaten, but the bear did manage to chase him down. how's that even possible?

What is the best bandage I could buy for my wrist?

I have hurt my wrist and I need a bandage for it maybe tubigrip maybe crepe or something I don't know any ideas for the BEST POSSIBLE BANDAGE?! please help

Another magic question for the rule book?

if i play the howl of the night pack card and i have creatures that produce green mana, would those creatures contribute to the howl of the night pack's ability? i.e. i have five forest and two llanawar elves. how many wolves would i get?

WHAT IS THIS SONG CALLED!!? (from mtv show TeenWolf)?

im a avid watcher and fan of the MTV show teen wolf ....hahahaha. and i heard a song on the last episode thats like "everybodys lookin at you like they wanna go home with you" thats rlly all i know bout it. it comes on at the part when the aunt accuses scott of stealing from her bag then as soon as allision...hahah... says she did it, pulls out the condom, the song come on. if u watch teen wolf u would know what i mean lol. BUT WAT IS THIS SONG!? i love it and ive gone to the ends of the earth (or just youtube&google but thats ok..) to find it!!! anyone know? I WOULD LOVE U 4EVER AND GIVE U BEST ANSWERRRR <333

Anybody know any good werewolf books that dont center around the 'kill the beast' mentailty?

im a werewolf fan... i dont particuarly like stories that paint them out to be some dieased, rabid creatures that have to be put down... its difficult to find good ones. ive read quite a few... and alot of them are good... but the ones that paint the wolves out to be evil and viciously bloodthirsty are too easy to figure out... you can usually see whats at the end... thanks in advance for your help... ;)

What is the song from the last episode in teen wolf when derek is working out?!?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a you can find it here

I have hurt my wrist what should I do?

I was doing gymnastics today and I did a one handed round off straight from the trampette and now I can't put any weight on it because it hurts, I can move it around but it hurts if I move it in big circles it hurts a lot after. It is not swollen up or bumpy or hot its just sore. What should I do? I have a crepe bandage on to support it and I've used ice packs but its not working. Should I leave it to heal by itself or do something different? Help please!

Any sweet sixteen ideas?

A 60's theme would be awesome...except for hippies. How about a Western theme, that would be fun, you can eat beans, corn meal, nevermind that sounds terrible. How about a science fiction theme, yeah let's stick with that.

This man makes me soo angry!!?

Men play around because they can, so make it clear that he can't treat you like that...if he has a girlfriend then let him go back to her. Don't let yourself be the other woman...don't decieve yourself...he is not with you because he is unhappy in his relationship..he is doing it for the thrill outside his normal routine, and he has something safe to fall back on. Cut the ties and find someone free to be with you that deserves you and that you can have a proper relationship with.

Harajuku japanese crepes history, type etc?

In 1977, a crepe shop "cafe crepe" was opened at Takeshita street. Sales was not so good for the first time but after picking up by some mass media, competitors opened many shops.

What would exactly happen if you get bitten by a wolf?

So idk but i'm just interesting on wolfs, and stuffs like that cuz I'd been watching Teen Wolf on MTV and its really cool, so I waz wondering if you get bitten by a wolf, can you become one?

I overate now what?!?!?! Please help Im freaking out!?

One day is not going to ruin your diet. Please don't panic. I always get a little sick when I see young girls do this to themselves.

How to make a paper flower durable enough to put on a ring?

I want to make a paper rose (made with ordinary paper, not tissue or crepe paper) durable enough that it can be wearable on a ring. I've found information about Smooth-Cast 327, but I would like something cheaper and that I could buy at a craft or home-improvement store (Smooth-Cast 327 is about $26 and must be ordered online).

Difference between JVC GY-HD110 and JVC GY-HD110U?

the "U" stands for products designed to be sold in North American (United States and Canada). the same model for Europe would have an "E" suffix. The batteries are the same, but the chargers are slightly different (220/50 Hz vs 120/60 Hz). Look on the FCC dataplate to get the full model number for your camera.

Manga about troubled or angry teens?

I am looking for good manga, but i want to cosplay and i will need ideas, i don't care if its gy or girl or color of hair cause i will wear wigs or cross play. but maybe something with a punk outlook, a bit like "the devil does exist" seemed like it was going to be. any ideas?

Who is tha Alpha in "Teen Wolf" mtv?

I didn't think the alpha was a werewolf like Scott and Derek. I saw tonight's episode and started to wonder who the alpha could be. I have a feeling the alpha is someone close to Scott or at least knows who he is. What do you think?

Getting my summer fling on!?

okay so its the summer of my senior year...and i want to at least get my first kiss before i go to school...i mean how embarrassing would that be if i went to college a kissing virgin! so i want to have a summer fling. i'm really shy and kind of heavy set and i really think thats why i haven't had any guy action. my guy friends say i'm really sweet and funny...but i'm always just the friend. i'm jut in desperate need of some summer romance. there is one gy i kind of have in mine, but i think he likes another girl. but any tips and help would be greatly appreiciated! thanks so much

How to break a bone with little pain?

Please don't say Im emo or anything. I just want to know what bone to break that will cause the least amount of pain and how to break Ot with the least amount of pain. Don't ask gy I'm doing this. Just please answer my question!

I'm so irritated with my grandma 10 POINTS?

Family problems should be treated with care and respect, there must be communication, know how to negotiate, compromise and understanding. We must be reasonable.-

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Robert Wolverton Park?

Is Robert Wolverton Park in Biloxi, Mississippi a safe place to bring my dogs when I want to walk them or is it like the old Wolves Park that had homeless people and drugs before it got destroyed by Hurricane Katrina? Thanks

Finding A Movie that i saw when i was aroound fiveish?

when i was llittle, me and my sister rented a set of movies from the scottsville library, and i remember it was like a bunch of fairytales, and it wasn't animated it was real people. in one part i remember one of the mainish characters was sitting in a tree with a girl and he was trying to hide his wolfs tale i think. I know alot if this makes no sense but i wasn't much older than 5 when we got these, but i REALLY want to watch them again o if you have any idea what im talking about please put it under here. Thanks.

Is this prophecy good. It's for a book?

Ok when I first saw the question " is this a good propecy" I was thinking along the lines of Percy Jackson but what I read was a lot better and very creative I think the prophecy is perfect and I love the story all together hope this goes somewhere

10 pts best answer.............?

trust me. he likes you. but since he got denied he probably acted like he didn't like you but he really does.

Can someone interpret this?

For the first one I must ask, have you recently hurt any animals? either on purpose or not. It may be your guilty conscience that causes you to feel remorse in the form of vengeful ducks.

Are the French serving up crepes to the US troops in the Libyan War?

After all, the US is just sort of on the sidelines. 122 cruise missiles doesn't amount to being involved in a war you know!

Opening a cafe and need name.?

opening a small 20 seater cafe that will serve crepes and waffles alongside cooked breakfast, lunches, sandwiches etc and selection of home baking to include breads, buns and deserts. only name can come up with is 'The Teaspoon'. anyone any other suggestions. thanks.

What is a Furry (second life) avatar?

I saw this on a site "Luskwood Creatures" and its $950.. But what exactly is it? Link:

Would it be ok if i replaced the pineapple juice in this recipe?

Lemon juice tastes good with cream cheese dip (in fact, when I have made it for fruit in the past, that's what I used instead of pineapple juice). I'd imagine orange juice would make a decent substitute also.

How can i find out if my friend is gay?

Ok so i am a gy 16 year old boy and i realy like one of my good friends but i am afraid of telling him i am gay without knowing if he is gay or not bc what if he doesnt talk to me anymore. how do i find out if he is gay WITH OUT TELLING HIM THAT I AM GAY?

How much nutella would go on 4 crepes? like how much cups or tablespoons?

The nutella will spread easily on the hot crepes. If they normal size crepes 2 teaspoons on each crepe should be plenty. That would be 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons. 3 teaspoons equal 1 tablespoon.

Which dress do you think is better for me to give my mother?

The second one! But just like the above poster says, it depends on what your mom looks like. If she has a tummy, the 1st one would only make it look more obvious; but if she looks elderly (and isn't worried about a tummy), the 1st one would look more age-appropriate.

Does anyone have or know the recipe for the crepe filling (already have the crepe recipe) from IHOP?

I love their cinnamon apple crepes with the cream cheese filling. Found the recipe for the crepes themselves but not the filling. Anyone know where I can find it?

Just wondering if this had a "logical" explanation (Twilight)...?

I never notice that she had it before but youre right!! her vampire power is the same as her human power. maybe Meyer didnt see that either or assumed anyone else would. honestly there is NOT a logical explanation. if its a vamp power, she shouldnt have had it as a human but thats how it is i guess lol

Can anyone please help ?!?!?!?!?

Ok, thank you if you can make it through this whole thing. I am 16 years old, I'm gy, and I'm a guy. I am still i the closet to my family. Ok. So, I met a guy online he's 17 and we've been talking for a few months. ( no, he is not a pedophile or someone that migh be dangerous) he is legit trust me. He is bi but I still havn't told him I am gay yet. He always asks though but I like leaving things to the imagination. :P And he aways says things like " I wish I could kiss you right now " or " Wow, you are really nice, I really wish you were into guys " which I am !! But I really don't want to tell him quite yet. IDK why. This is crazy because I am really starting to develop feelings for this guy who I don't know but that I feel soo extreamly close to. He lives only like 10 minutes away so he's really close. I want to meet him but howawkward is it when you are a teenager and you want to meet someone yo met online. Wouldnt that be awkward or something ? We're both really good looking and would make the cutest couple but I really dont know what to do ?? and also if you guys have any tips on coming out to a homophobic family that would really help too. I want to come out in a sarcastic " no big deal" kind of way but idk how. Thank you soo much in advance !!!

What's Wrong With Teenagers?

You want to help? Well, be the best person you can be; help the ones you can help; surround yourself with like mind people; and if you have kids someday, raises them as best you can. That's all anyone can do, and if we all did that the world would be a better place.

What comes to mind when you think of France?

I am doing a project for children about France, and I am putting pictures on a poster as a part of it. So far I have crepes, a baguette, a croissant, a beret and the eiffel tower. Anything else? Ten points to whoever can come up with the most ideas!

Minecraft my wolves what stand when I click on them?

They attack me when I hit them but attack sitting down and I click on them but don't stand. I don't want to kill them

Which dress is better for me? need your suggestion!?

I like the second one! Have you looked for any with long sleeves (Flowy sleeves not fitted) As it would hide your arms but still look Gorge xx

Do you like my proposed NBA name changes?

Wolfpack is ok I guess but I don't care about the T-wolves anyways. I think the Hornets and Jazz should stay the same

How do I fertilize crepe myrtles?

before the leaf buds break open use a bloom booster with the higher center number.... and again, in midsummer if you trim off old blooms and ask it to bloom again..... if you allow the old blooms to go to seed, then wait until the seeds are set and then fertilize again with a fertilizer without huge first number.... you're looking for plant and root strength to go thru winter, not more leaves, like you'd get with a high first number and thus, a lot of Nitrogen.... 5-10-10 or thereabouts.....

Pancakes without eggs?

Crepes can be easily made without egg. Just mix the flour and milk to get the texture you want and bake. Be extra careful with turning the pancakes as they will break more easily.

I need info on what kind of spider this is......?

I just found a spider. I already have a Female Wolf Spider.. and it would take a while to look find what kind of spider the one I just found is.. It looks like a baby, but it could just be a small spider. It doesn't look like a Wolf Spider, because it doesn't hve much fur. But i don't know if Baby Wolf Spiders have much fur.... It has 2 black stripes down it's back.. and it is kinda tan. Please help me! Thanks!

Girlfriends ex hung like a horse, help...?

**** her. And by that, I mean disregard her. She obviously doesn't care about your feelings, saying that.

What does a sprained ankle feel Like?

I answered another question of yours about spraining your ankle, if you look up how to properly tape an ankle and have someone do it for you, you don't have to sprain your ankle at all. It will feel more or less the same just with the tape on. Be sure to get pre wrap though. And be careful about cutting it off.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Anyone know this werewolf romance novel?

I read it ages ago, it's about a girl who is being sort of forced to 'mate' with the alpha of the pack however her heart belongs to this other wolf that apparently wasn't good enough for her. I remember they get together in the end and the Alpha is heart broken but in the next book he finds his true 'mate'. I keep thinking their names were Belle and Aleks and Garth but it only links me to a Judy Mays book that i know isnt it.

When making Crepes Suzette does lighting the alcohol serve a purpose or is it just for show?

Lighting the booze burns away the actual alcohol in it, but leaving the taste of the drink itself. for example an orange liquor would leave a sweet orange taste, but not a strong alcohol taste.

What books would be good to read if you loved Raised by Wolves and Trial by Fire by Jennifer Lynn Barnes?

I loved both these books sooooo much and I was wondering if anybody knew of any similar books or series like WBW or TBF. (Fantasy, werewolves, teen... yada yada) Thanks!! :)

What is this desert called!?

Its like....kinda like a cupcake but it tastes like a thick crepe but its called a popper or eat is with jam and powdered sugar WHAT IS IT CALLED! I can't remember!HELP!

Girl of my dreams. Lost. ?

Bro, summer of not seeing her is a long time. In college too, when I saw a girl with descriptions comparable to yours I just had to ask her out. That's the best way to get the truest answer is straight from the person. Facebook, etc.. is not gonna help you in getting the answer. If she says yes you'll be a happy guy, and even if she says no, then at least you'll know, and will be able to look for another girl! Trust me I was in the exact same situation, I just couldn't stop thinking about her!!! When I asked she said we can only stay friends, but hey I asked and found out. Your not the only one who gets that feeling in the gut. So, make sure to stay cool and next time you see her, go for it man, I wish you well! Remember think positive, at least you asked and will know the answer whether yes or no.

Whats the name of episode 6 in teen wolf?

i want to make a schedule of all episodes but idk the name or airing date of teen wolf episode 6. help?

Can anyone draw Cosmic Time Scale and Cosmic Distance Scale?

What is wrong with light-year as a measuring tool? It is the largest unit that we got. The fundamental units are meter for length, kilogram for mass, seconds for time, and coulombs for charge. Everything else are just derivatives of these four units.

Fun Email Login Name?

I'm creating a new email and I need a fun login name. This is not for work or anything, so it doesn't have to be really serious. However, i kindda want my name (or at least a nickname in it) My name is Regina (re-gee-na, NOT re-gy-na) :P thanks!

Are Japanese Beetles often times the grub worms that one finds in their grass soil in Spring?

I don't think so they are not the grub worms. I farmed for years and had grub worms then. That was in the 60's. The beetles start here about oct each year. And they are a big problem here.The beetles here have been here for 13 years. You can put out the grub worm granules but they are really hard to kill out. They were put here to help the crops. Brought her from japan. Hope this helps you some.


Ok so this is not some little problem were I want to act and be like the main character, I want my entire life, my world to be like this movie. I recently watched Red Riding Hood, I literally want a talking wolf to be all crazy, and talk to me like it did in the movie. I almost dont want to watch movies anymore because of this, but I love watching them! This problem only lasts for a couple of days then it goes away! BUT IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO PLEASE HELP!

I need a name for my book?

I'm writing a book about a girl who is turned into a werewolf, she owns a horse named Matter Of Time, and has a boyfriend who turns out is also a werewolf, she joins her boyfriends pack which he is the alpha male of and balances her riding career at the same time. i can't think of a name for the book, and during the book it turns out she's gifted and blah blah, she is a pure white wolf, the only white werewolf that has ever been. the werewolves are giant wolves that are taller then a full grown horse. they don't stand on two feet, they are just giant wolves.

Writing a story about vampires and wolves need chratcer names?

For one don't say anything like twilight ok one that's to mooshy gooshy crap and two it just plain stupid.! I am serious here I wrote the story already just need names there's 7 to 15 wolves that kill all the good vampires and leave the bad ot evil vamps. around to kill all humans or to convert them.

Terrain park at wolf creek?

How are the terrain parks at wolf creek ski resort? If you've been there how good do you think they are? What kind of stuff do they have? do they have more than one park (like a beginner one, an intermediate one and an expert one?

Minecraft-my pet wolves don't Stand up ant attack me?

I right click on them and they don't stand up but they move sitting down. They attack me if I hit them until I'm dead. I dont want to kill them but they attack me sitting down

Unusual, light, spongey NOT FLAKEY pie crust? Ideas?

perhaps the crust was made more like a cookie - creaming softened/melted butter (or any other type of fat) with sugar instead of cold butter? that would eliminate the flakiness. if baking soda and baking powder were added, that would give it a spongy texture. maybe try using a biscotti recipe and bake the pie crust without the filling first to make it crispy?

How to dress like a modern red riding hood?

how to incorporate and essence of red riding hood into my wardrobe. I love the style of amanda seyfried in red riding hood so things similar to her wardrobe in the movie would be nice. where to buy articles of little red riding hood clothing/ jewelry? Im going into high school and love little red riding hood I want my clothes and jewelry to make people think of the story but without overdoing it (I don't want to look like Im wearing a costume). I liked the idea of subtle things like wolf jewelry and a red coat:)makeup and hair ideas and anything else you think would be helpful.

Can you identify this spider? !?

I live in arkansas and last night I saw a large wolf spider.... Well tonight... I saw this really large dark brown spider on my front door step. I sat their for a while before I got up to go in and realized it had been directly behind me the whole time with its legs it was aproximately 2 inches. It's abdoman was rather large and round and looked as if it had large spikes. Its legs were firry and its head appeared slick. It was entirely dark brown and I know it wasn't a brown recluse. It ran away as soon as I mad a loud noise.... What could it be?

Do any girls like "my type" please be honest?

I'm just gonna start by saying I'm very shy, this is probably mu biggest problem. It's wierd though because I'm not shy with people( girls especially) one on one but I am with a group of people. Anyways, I'm decent hieight, skinny, i have gy Justin bieber hair lol, but I'm really nice to just about everyone an I have good manners. Would any girl actuuuallyy like this? Please be honest

Crepe Wool for a fake "beard"?

I am not an expert but if you found some sort off skin colored base to glue on the straws off the beard and then use spirit gum or something simular to glue it to youre skin it might work. But somehow Id like to think that you might got a better shot with using some sort off make up, or even a store baught beard. The issue for me is if you can cut the crepe wool so short and still make it look good and natural. Johan

What Do You Think of My Character?

i like him, he sounds interesting and i would want to know more about him. also he's realistic, which you dont see much anymore. lots of characters dont seem to have flaws anymore, but he does.

What is the best nancy drew PC game?

I have played Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake, and almost finished The White Wolf of Icle Creek. P.S I'm not really into the REALLY scary ones, just and interesting one:) Thanks!

Lebron James Got No Rings?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Does it worth it to watch Teen wolf?

I lovvvve Teen Wolf. I don't know if it's like TVD, but I just started watching TVD today & the concept is kind of alike... supernatural creature in high school, girl falls in love with them, blah blah blah. :) It's on MTV every Monday at 10/9 central. The newest episode (episode 5) is showing again today at 5:30 central time. :)

Do our pet dogs see us as a "Family Unit" or a "Pack with a Hierarchy"?

Do our pet dogs see us more of a family unit rather than a pack with a hierarchy or both? I've just been wondering about this question for awhile now but do our pet dogs see us as their pack leaders and still have that instinct that their wild cousins the wolves have like dogs see us as their pack leaders and have us guide them threw things, etc. or lost their "wolf" instinct that they needed to survive in the wild or do they just see us as a member of the family or both? I've even saw something on this dog documentary about our pet dogs doing stuff their "own" wild cousins and our "wild" relatives couldn't do like dogs like us to guide them to things just like our own human offspring does were as a wolf or a chimp or any animal for that matter doesn't give a damn what we want them to do for us even though we can train wild animals and it's possible but dogs could do much more things than any other animal on the planet can't do but back to my question: does dogs see us a family unit or a pack with hierarchy?

How do you tell a guy you like him?

so it is the last week of school and i want to tell this gy that i really like him i i'm not really sure in what way i should do it in and it is finals week so the only time i will be able to see him in tomorrow and Wednesday. so should i tell him face to face, through a friend, or a letter? HELP

Im 16, I will be a junior in September. I have a gy problem. What do I do? (explanation below)?

I like 2 guys Josh#1 and Josh#2, yes both of their names are Josh for real. Josh#1 I've known for 2 years going on 3. I like him but he likes anothe girl at another high school. But he said he isn't sure if they will date or not because she is worried about college since she graduates in about 2 weeks. He asked to be "**** buddies", I am not that kind of girl so I said no. We are still very good friends and flirt and stuff we talk everyday at school and text at home for a while too. But Josh#2 is new. He came second trimester which is probably about feburary or so. I really really like him. But I've inky known him for like 6 months if that. We have chemistry(the class) together and we flirt and stuff. He sits a couple seats behind me in the next row over and when I want my paper hole punched or my pencil sharpened, all I have to do is turn around hold it up and he'll come do it for me. I do this mostl because we have a very small amount of room between desks and the girl behind me piles all her crap in the aisle way so I can never get through. But he has some issues in the ex girlfriend area. He loves her still but doesn't tryst her and she loves him still but does not want to be committed. When we get home from school we text all night and we flirt bad. I know he likes me because we have talked about a few choice outfits that I chose to wear because they were cute and he commented how I looked in them. Right now we are really good friends and the other day I texted him about how some random creepy kid asked for my number in the hall, and his reply was "well I got yo number didn't I(;" what do I do about Josh#2 because I like him A LOT, but he's still working things out with his ex but I know he kind of likes me and I don't want or confront him about it because then I'll feel ackward. And how do I stop flirting with Josh#1 because all he wants is a peice of *** and I know it......?

Hi was just wondering if the jvc gy hm 700 would be good for live broadcasting to also film my church services?

I have also looked at the jvc gy-hm100e but really dont know the best camera to get that would give a professional broadcasting look

Ihop Pancake or Crepes?

you should get both...well thats what i would do anyway. If it were up to me the pancakes would go all the way...and they fill you up more than a crepe

Monday, July 18, 2011

How are french crepes different from the english culture?(if you know what crepes r)?

crepes are sweet thin pancakes wrapped around different fillings and the English culture likes their pancake thick and with jam or syrup on top.

Looking For A New Anime To Watch... Any Suggestions?

try these 2 sites it dub and subs okay. i hope it helps. here my list yuyuhaksho and shaman king and zoids 1 2 and 3

Friends bf worried about friend and her kid?

She needs to get rid of him!! How can she still let him go anywhere near her kid????? She must be mad and irresponsible to allow that kind of danger around her son. Shes only been with him for four months so it is not even like a serious relationship! Tell her she needs to think about the safety of her son and not her love life and stop being selfish.

HELP!! I caught my 11 year old sister having sex and idk what to do?

So yesterday i finally got early dismissal for school so i came home early today and i caught her with a sophomore having sex on my parents bed. she immediately started crying and begged me not to tell our parents and swore she would never do it again, that she was just curious and the guy convinced her to. I am debating whether to tell my parents or not because my dad is supperrr strict and overprotective and will probably beat her or something! she didnt use protection though because i guess the gy talked her out of it and she trusted him. help me please i am really confused.

How Can a Teen Gy Get SLimmer fasT?

I'm a 16 year old guy. 5'10, and roughly 165 lbs.I just have some lower belly fat, love handles, and some bum fat. I don't have a lot of fat, but it's still there. I think I mainly need to tone up, but I do not know what to do! I am currently playing soccer 3 times a week. I have dumbbells at home as well. So, what should I do at home in order to tone up and get leaner ASAP. Also, will squats make my bum bigger, or tone it down and make it smaller? I really want to do this, also what about my diet? Thanks

I'm losing weight but I fully overate yesterday, how can I make up for it today?

I have lost about 1kg so far in the past few weeks... Maybe 2kg. I have been burning around 300 calories at the gym each day and restricting my calorie intake to a healthy amount to lose weight. But yesterday I had a healthy breakfast and lunch but then had this creamy alcohol drink (cocktail drink) and then we went out to this fancy restaurant in which I had a creamy chicken and mushroom crepe, fries, cheese bread and dessert (including cream and ice cream and waffles all in one!). I'm going to the gym soon and haven't had breakfast yet (it is 10.21am). Should I work extra hard at the gym and restrict my calorie intake to an even greater extent or what? Because I really want to lose about 3kg more in 3 weeks. Please help. Thanks!

What is a gy/ob? is it like a doctor?

An ob/gyn is basically a vagina doctor. An obstetrician is a pregnancy doctor and a gynecologist is a female reproductive health doctor.


I heard it off of Teen Wolf and some of the lyrics are: im beyond repair because of you youu youu hoo hoo iii iii i can't get enough enough so i keep on walking broken glass for youu you,not sure if that last part is right though

Question about bandwidth and Internet speed?

I really have no idea what my Internet speed is, but it's been lagging lately, I run an iPad 2 on it, a lap top, a desktop, and xbox 360. Problem isyoutube takes for ever on the iPad 2 and my xbox live is lag gy. Of I increased bandwidth/Internet speed or wat ever with bellsouth would it make that all go away?

Why do vampires and wolfs hate echover ?

Im not a vamp or a wolf .. well i wana be a vamp if your not one or the other u will think im crazy but why do we hate on the wolfs ? n why thay hate on us ??

Who knows Arthur Lo sales rep of VS Consult Limited(GY Coporation) ?

Hi, The same information he gave me. I do not know him. If anyone has references let us know. Thanks. Supposedly he is in the U.S. but the Bank account is in the UK. It's strange.

How to sprain your ankle on purpose?

I know this isn't the answer that you want but trust me, don't do it. I sprained my ankle over a year ago and now its chronically sprained and I'm frequently in pain. After spraining that one, I recently sprained my other one which didn't heal correctly either and now I can't wear heels (I'm a girl), jump well, or run without a brace. They're stiff when I get up in the morning and just a pain. Also, to get a big bandage, not just an ace, you have to have a really bad sprain most likely involving a torn ligament. Please be smart and don't do this.

How to draw nice and not too unrealistic pictures?

I mean I can draw some pretty nice things like wolves and I once drew a nice dragon but each time I used online tutorials. How can I draw nicely? Each time I try, it gets all messed up. I am now able with wolves but it's the only thing I am able to draw without tutorials.

Ideas for fun group dinners?

Eating outside can be a fantastic excuse for a potluck dinner. Instead of asking your guests to bring entrees or fancy dishes, why not ask them for the sides, while you promise the meat (or veggie burgers). You can encourage everyone to bring their favorite salad, be it potato or garden. Then, ask a few guests to bring a dessert. You should provide drinks, but if you're on a budget you can always ask people to BYOB. All you need after that is enough food to cover a grill, whether you're eating steak or good old-fashioned hot dogs. The dining can be casual, with people sitting wherever they happen to find a chair or a patch of grass. The casual dinner is a lot of fun, but make sure to keep citronella candles or other bug repellents burning. Everybody loves a barbeque, but nobody likes going home with bug bites.

What exactly is his intentions?

He treats me badly I never had a conversation with him we work together hes kind of in a higher position then me. He looks at other women in front of me.ts obvious he is doing it fro me. He talks to the other women about me. He makes faces behind my back. He tries to touch me well he does touch me. I try to ignore it and do my work he basically puts it in my face. There is another guy who likes me and he tries to block him from talking to me. I want to talk to the guy but the women in my office are so catty I don't want them to know who I'm interested in. Anyway the gy in a higher poisiton I saw him at my apartment building and he doesn't live in my neighbor. He is trying to do everything he can to get my attention if I show any he looks at me with this weird look. I don't know why I'm attracted to him i don't want to be . I wish he would just leave me alone?? What does he wants from me?!!

How can i sprain my ankle?

By bandage at the store and wrap it watch on YouTube then tell your mom your friends mom is a doctor and she thinks you sprained a ankle

I keep having dreams that I kill agressive snakes, any idea what this means?

I have also killed aggressive lions, bears, and wolves, (with knives) if that helps, lol. Oh, and I killed some of the snakes with cough syrup.

May someone explain to me how "King with no rings" relates to LeBron?

LeBron is called the king, he has not won a championship ring, "only kings have rings" rhymes so its catchy and its true kings wear crowns not rings but in the NBA the best players or the NBA's "kings" usually win championships so the kings have rings.

How can i make a Model of a character, explode into Pixels in 3Ds Max?

Im making a trailer for the Zelda Twilight Princess and im trying to Make My wolf model transform into Link. but i want it to Look just like in the game. so how can i make a model of a character explode into Particles on 3Ds Max?

What's the difference between Japanese Crepes and crepes from other places ?

I don't know where crepes started but it seems like it's western. Is crepes just popular to be seen everywhere in Japanese like vending machines ? Or is it some new type of crepe that has a new Japanese style ? I mean like Japanese curry. Indian curry and Japanese curry is differrent although it's from India.

Where can i find this beautiful dress? a look alike?

I'm not sure if there is a dress that is exactly what you want to but first try Ross then foreverXII. Hope it helped!

I have some period questions?

heya, i felt like you before i had started my period, a lot of my friends had already started and i didn't want to be the odd one out. I will say though that i wish i'd started a lot later. If you are getting these symptoms then you are probably in the middle of puberty. periods usually start around 2 years after your breasts start forming. If I were you I would start with pads to begin with as it's unlikely but tampons can cause toxic shock syndrome if not used properly and getting used to them may take a while. However, as you go swimming you would need to use tampons if you are on your period. Periods hurt a lot for some people and not at all for others, mine were really bad but not i'm on the contraceptive pill and they don't hurt at all. Also, to begin with your periods may be irregular, so may come more or less than once a month for the first year or so. there are so many brands and different types of tampons and pads you should try some and use the right ones for you :) when you start your periods just tell your mum about it, i was worried about telling mine but she was really understanding and helpful, after all we are all women :) hope this helps and good luck :D

Can you get a pregnancy test from a GY unscheduled?

I'm going to schedule an appointment to talk to my gy about changing my birth control and get a pregnancy test. I want to be discreet about it so no one knows I'm getting a test done. So is it possible to get tested while being scheduled just to talk to the gy?

If i get my nipples pierced can my puffy nipples go away or not puff up?

A male question...i have that puffy nipple thing Gy something...but if i get them pierced can it stop from puffing up..or when can this stop..

Anyone got positive after negative HTP after missed periods?

i am 16 dpo today and had first morning urine pregnancy test which was BFN ,my LP is 14 days mostly and have 28 days cycle, its been 2 day over due. now what to expect. should i wait for some more time and test again or visit gy immediately. have any one got BFP so late .

Christians? what is the purpose of the second coming of JESUS?

The Bible is a mass of contradictions because it was written, edited, and contrived by any number of handy charlatans over the passage of history and its first conception, what started out as a handy propaganda device for semitic tribes at odds with the Phillistines has become a monstorous conglomeration of confused passages and ramblings desinged to delude the common populace,creating subjected simpletons more malleable to authortarian reign.If you ever had any agricultural experience you would know, how dumb sheep are, so forget about trying to teach the little lambs of god any logic.You heart is in the right place, but its truly useless.

What is the most interesting part about french crepes? ( If you know what they are)?

I don't quite understand your question, but crepes are super versatile. You can do so many different things with them (so many different kinds of fillings) that they cannot possibly get boring. Since boring is the opposite of interesting...well, maybe that is what you mean.

How come everytime i download a song from frosstwire it has a gy talking?

when i download music from frostwire a guy comes out talking on the downloaded song saying something about as part of a limewire

Burning sensation after sex?

I lost my virginity at 19, and from that very first time and since I feel a burning sensation after. Usually after he ejaculates, and I have to go pee to relieve the burning. What could this be, and do you have any strategies? Should I go see my GY?

How can i respond to this?

The philosophi cal treatment of love transcends a variety of sub-discip lines including epistemolo gy, metaphysic s, religion, human nature, politics and ethics. Often statements love, its nature and role in human life for example, connect to one or all the central theories of philosophy compared with, or examined in the context of, the philosophi task of a philosophy the appropriat e issues in a cogent manner, drawing on relevant theories of human nature, desire, ethics, and so on.....don get me started on the plain Philosophy!!!!!

Why do I always fall for the gay guys?

why, when i do fall for guys (rarely, I am bisexual with heterosexual preferences) are they always straight? It's just what happens, and it sucks (o I've fallen n love with gay girls too, though my current girlfriend is also bisexual with hetero preferences)

Disgusting crepe recipes?

Good luck is all I have to say. It is almost impossible to find bad crepe recipes. Also, they aren't made with mayo. Sorry. You can find plenty of healthy ones though. will have some.

How do you pronounce Lychee nut in Chinese?

My annoying friend told me it was like "lee-chai" or something, but then again, she is the same friend who thought 'crepes' was pronounced 'cr*p'... sooo yeah.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

When a guy walks you home, could it mean he likes you?

Im a guy and it sounds as if he likes you :) Im not saying I wouldnt walk just "a friend" home but if hes pursuing you in other ways id say hes interested.

Do you have any good crepe recipes?

HI evryone, so my dad is intown until tomorrow, so we are going to have father's day in the Am. I made crepes for mothers day, but i lost the recipe. do you have any good ones i could try? There are three of us, so i guess enough for one girl and 2 grown men. Thanks :)

Mtv teen wolf episode 5 preview song?

hello, does anyone know the name of the song that plays on the teen wolf episode 5 commercial on mtv.. there no words on it.. just really cool sound.. anybody? plz and thank you

Whats the strangest thing you have seen at your workplace?

i work at a hilton garden inn graveyard aswell. and bout a week ago this guy came in half drunk asking for a room. i checked to see if we had availabilty. at that time this woman walks in with the skimpiest dress ive ever seen. so i told the guy the rate which was about 169 plus tax, then right in front of me he turned looked at the woman from head to toe and he said "yeah your worth it" gave me the money and left to the room. fortyfive minutes later he comes down and he stops at the desk and tells me "hey shes still good for another fifteen minutes, you wanna give her a ride?" i looked at him with the most confused stare ever. "no, no, no, no, what is wrong with you"

Are there any counselors out there willing to talk to a troubled soul on yahoo messanger?

im not one of them wierd people that like to mess with others....i just need to talk about some things and get some feedback and help me yahoo username is please only add if you are the real deal. thanks :)

How can i make peach syrup with a can of peaches?

im using this peach syrup as a filling for crepes..i want it a little thicker..but im not sure how to make it from a can of peaches? can anybody help?

What is the best thing to orderat IHOP?

I'm heading to IHOP in a bit, and I haven't been there in a while. What is the best tasting things they have at IHOP? Are the crepes good?

What werewolf book is this?

I don't know the names of any of the characters but the book is about this woman that is a wolf her mom owns a store and sells witchy stuff and her father is a wolf from England I think and the mom and the father met in England and when the mother got pregnant the father thought that it would not be safe for her and the baby because of the alpha so the mother moves and when the baby grows up she tries to as much as possible blend in with humans she is not in a pack or anything. One day her father comes things happen and he and she end up beating the pack alphas from where she lives and he leaves her as the alpha. Also she started dating a god of some sort but then she leaves him when she finds out he is the cause of her braking up with her boyfriend. She also ends up falling in love with another wolf that was dating her bestfriend and her bestfriend ends up dating her human exboyfriend.

Chemical reactions of Cr�pe?

Hello, for an important homework, I need to list at least 3 chemical reactions during the creation (preparation + cooking) of the french food Cr�pe. Can someone please help me out? It's very urgent.

Opinions on a short opening to a story?

I loved it. It was full of detail, which I personally think is important in a good story. And you have a perfect amount of it. Love the rhetorical question for the opening, I think that makes the reader want to keep on reading and find out the answer. It seems quite dark and morbid, which I assume is what you were going for? If so then you did a very good job. Keep going with this, it's captivating.

Where can I get a door stop for a Wolf Dehydration kit?

I have a Wolf built in oven with a dehydration kit. I need a replacement door stop for the kit but I'm struggling to find one. Wolf do not sell them as a spare part and I don't want to fork out for a new kit. Any advice greatly appreciated. (I've checked eBay!)

Any good twilight fan-fictions?

So, i was wondering if any one had read and good twilight fan-fictions where Edward and Jacob are BOTH wolves and FRIENDS. And please read the question properly it's very frustrating when people don't read the question properly. I am looking for a fan-fiction not a book similar to twilight i have read them all. And if you could please add a link that would be great. Thank you!

What is the significance of french crepes? (Answer only if you know what crepes are)?

Not sure what you mean by significance. But in France. Where I grew up. What y'all call French crepes here are actually pancakes to us. Here your pancakes are thick and doughy but our pancakes (crepes to yall) are super thin and YUMMY!!!

Summer 2011 "Bucket List"?

I was doing the exact same thing and got stuck, too! Hahaha. You can check out my blog, it's got my list and everything. I haven't officially started yet, but the list is done and there are some pretty cool ideas on it if you want to check it out. :) a href="" rel="nofollow"

New bands I can listen to?

Oh nice musical tastes. I applaud. Heres some of my favorites: Discovery, The xx, Gorillaz, The Kooks, meno mena, Cage the Elephant, and Matt and Kim. Just to name a few.

Airsoft snow wolf m99 trigger parts?

So I took apart my m99 because it was slam firing and it's the sears that aren't working. I know this because I brought it to a shop but they didn't have the parts. Now I'm not sure what the sears are so if someone can describe them that would help. I also know I kinda destroyed these two springs that seem to have held the spring back when I pulled the bolt back. I've looked everywhere for replacement spring things (I'm pretty sure these are the sears) but I can't find em so if someone can post a link thanks :) I'd also look at a whole new trigger box if needed. I know its aps2 compatible but I have no idea what that means lol. Any links or info will help, thanks!

Step daughter and ex girlfriend dilemma add in a break out of head lice...and it makes one big problem..ugh!?

So last weekend my step daughter went home after my fiance's weekend with her, I have 4 kids of my own btw...Well come Monday morning her mother messages me angry and saying that every time her daughter comes home from MY house she's infested with head lice. For one I was offended that this was being brought up to me by her and not my fiance apparently he was embarrassed to bring it to my attention. She went on to say she wasn't going to allow her daughter over anymore because of this, and then started rambling on trying to get me to feel sorry for her because she's a single mother "doing it on her own". Basically the message seemed to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. My biggest concern here is what should I do now, I have FOUR children to treat for head lice and most parent's know this takes more than one treatment and allot of hard work. My fiance still wants to bring his daughter over but not have her spend the night and "make sure we send her home clean". My concern is also for MY children, she can't say this started with my kids and if she does come over the ex could still SAY her daughter went home "infested" again just out of spite. Does anyone have any kind and helpful advice??

My dogs got into a fight, and one got a puncture wound, what do I do?

First off, it needs to go to the vet. It's unfortunate that her mom is refusing medical help because the deep wound can get infected. My dogs got into a very serious fight once when one of my females was in an aggressive heat cycle. One of my dogs had a puncture wound, and we took her to the vet. They gave her antibiotics to prevent an infection, and we went to the store to get gauze to wrap her leg. After maybe a week, she was healing and walking just fine. Good luck with your dogs! :)

Can a wolf be dosmeticated to become your pet?

can you raise it till it dies without it turning on example would be like raisin a lion but years later it turns on you and kills you,would a wolf do that even when you raise since birth?

Where to buy cheap wolf contacts?

I want to dress up as a werewolf for halloween, and I want to get the contacts early just in case. Where can I go to get cheap prescription wolf eye contacts? It has to be prescription because I am totally blind.

When does teen wolf air on bell expressvu?

i live in canada, and i have bell expressvu, i was wondering what channel (number) time and day Teen Wolf is played at. Thanks a million :)

Where is a good place to get free open source music/songs?

i need a song for a crepe video for a client, they want a french cafe style song and i need a free of copyright song

Who would you rather have?

i love how those 3 celtic fans are making pierce sound like hes the best SF in the nba....guys he isn't that good....

Immediate reply needed-Is this dress good for spring for a curvy girl like me?

Yes, it will accent your shape, and make your waist look tiny and give you a real old fashioned pin-up girl va-va-voom look. You'll be a knock out.

What's a better costume?

So, There's a Costume party coming up, and I need a good (slightly sexy) costume! So I was thinking a Tiger, Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (A sexy female edition of course) , or a Wolf, which sounds better? :]

Why are words ending with "gy" changed into "----" in Yahoo news' comments?

I think the writers feel that the "technolo----" and "ener----" may become tragedy in future.

What o you think I should say or do about these people who neglect their dogs?

maybe you should volunteer to bathe them.... or maybe you should call animal control if your that worried

Does any one else think this song is romantic.?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How to tell my dad I know he is a pothead?

I have known my dad smokes for a good year and a half. I always try to get him to admit it, like when he goes to the store* looking normal everyday, just to get a few things and comes back hours layer with bloodshot eyes talking all slow and stoner like and reaks of pot. I usually ask what took so long and he always comes up with some super intricate story about some crazy shot that happened to him, but I know better. I have also found a pipe, which was on the side door of the car when I was driving. And no I wasn't snooping, my dad had lost his wallet and asked me to check on the side door. Literally a second later I was feeling the bowl of the pipe when my dad told me to stop looking in a real loud serious voice, so I never saw the pipe but when I parked the car he stayed outside to *continue searching for the wallet inside the car* afterwrdw tue only remand left of evasive of the pipe was a used pipe screen. I have also walked in on him and a rasta looking guy chilling in our apartment. He claimed that the gy was selling him a new car radio, even though tue gy left like a minute after I got home and there was a blunt roach in the ashtray. His habit is not a weekend thing or even a few times a week, he is stoned nearly 24/7. His eye drops are used up in like a week. It is so bad that when I didn't have any weed to smoke (back when I used to smoke) I could get ugh with the shake left on his bathroom counter. I also am constantly loaning him money for this and that that never gets paid back to me. And the worst part of it all is it's not the constantly smoking thing that bothers me the most, it's the lying about it and being irresponsible and driving on it and with pipes in the car. I mean what if I got pulled over that one time and was searched! I'm only 16 and this is really stressing me, so please don't say stupid things like mnd your business brat, because I bet you won't be saying that when he runs over some e you know while he is out getting high and driving around stoned. So pleas just tell me how to tell him I know and that I am not a flipping moron, cuz if you don't know someone smokes after all this, then u r a MORON!

What is the atmosphere song where he tells the story of his friend being chased by the wolf ?

I was listing to my pandor station in my car on the way to work, and a song by atmosphere had come on. and i was so in love with it and i cant wait to hear it again! only problem is that i never looked at the name of the song and on my phone, which is the way i was listing to, it wouldnt let me look back at the songs i had already listened to :( i super bumed and i cant find it anywhere! It is the song that lyrics describe a situation where he and his friend were camping in the winter and he wakes up to find his friend foot print in the snow leading into the woods, and then he sees another tracks of prints that are a wolfs! please tell me some one knows who the is and can tell em the name os i can look it up

Can anyone give me advice on a drawing(preferably male but doesnt rlly matter)?

I was asked by my uncle to draw him a tattoo. The only specifications he gave me was that he wanted a father/daughter symbolization being it a wolf and cub, dragon andwas t baby, tiger and cub so on and so forth he said any animal I wanted and he wanted it to symbolize father and daughter and other then that he wants his daughters name "Makayla rae" somewhere in the picture hidden where you have to really look hard to tell its there. I am think of doing a wolf and wolf cub either both howling at the moon and have them both tribal with a tribal moon and stars. I was going to have a star for each letter of her first name and each star would be tribal with the letter hidden in it and the moon would be tribal with the second name rae hidden inside it. But I was also thinking instead just the father could be howling and the baby curled up at his feet or they could both be nuzzling each other or the father could be howling up at the moon and the baby be curled up on top of the moon symbolizing that she is far away because right now they are in different states. But im not sure if he would like this or not. Can someone please tell me your ideas of how you think i should do it and what I could add to it or if i should change it completely and use a totally different animal or way of doing. I just need some ideals and help making a choice. Thanks for reading this and takin the time to answer and sorry for this being so long!

I binged really really bad, can you please help?

it was your BIRTHDAY. If you have any metabolism you should be fine. It was only one day. It's not like once you eat that you will gain 10 pounds or anything!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

So the guy i like (that likes me back) did this what should i think?

so the gy i realy like told my freind he madeout with his sister when he was 10 cause he felt like it. his sister told my freind that she didnt know what to do so she just let him shes 6 years older than us i know he was just a kid then but you cant wipe away that part of the past >:( what should i think?

How to be a manly man?

If you have to ask this, then it is probably never going to happen. Maybe find a place in life that is appropriate for you instead, somewhere where you might know success and happiness

How to stitch on sun crepe material with a sewing machine?

I bought a black sun crepe material for sewing, when i started stitching with a sewing machine the stitches were far apart and were not tight, they could be removed easily, i tried stitching on cotton a material using the same settings and was able to do so easily, when i asked my friends they too had the same problem, pls help, should i try a different numbered needle or something like that?

I need some help with my crepe myrtles in west texas?

I have four crepe myrtles that have been planted now for 4 years. The green up and bloom but will not grow any taller. Some are still only 3 feet tall and one is about 5 feet. That's almost the same size as when they were planted. Any suggestions? Please help!

Unique and Effective French Crêpe Ideas?

I found this one and it sounds so different and delish! a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What do you think of this AMV?

Awesome AMV! Great Timing! Check out my videos at a href="" rel="nofollow"

Why does the smell of Kimchi smells so bad?

I mean really how can certain people adore the smell all those spices coming out of your pores. I sorry but it really smells like 3 week old carry out. I really hate when im in a enclosed area and some gy walks in smelling like kimchi stinks up the whole place want to throw up. I don't see how Koreans/indians or anyone else who let the smell of Kimchi seep out there pores is attractive.

Which of these films is the scariest/most jumpy?

That's a sucky list, I'm still freaked out by the Grudge 1 and 2, Aliens oh and Chucky and anything with creepy puppets.

Tv Show Teen Wolf Question!?

So i seen an Episode of Teen wOlf last night and i decided to start watching it online but the first episode starts off as Episode 101 why does it start at 101 and not episode 1? how long has this show been out.?

Question about the movie "red riding hood" with amanda sayfield?

Yes Lucy was older because the dad was trying to talk to the older sister and when Lucy didn't understand him that's when he realized that she wasn't his daughter. Not sure how much older she was though.

Pancake / Crepe recipe?

I feel like eating pancakes but like those thinner ones... not crepes but nearly crepes... maybe crepes. The big ones. Not the little thick ones you stack in America. hungry! kthanksbai <3 :3

What should I build in minecraft?

I have the animal mod so I've built a house for my horses and one for my wolves. I built my tree house and now I want some ideas cause I have a lot of empty space.

What do you think about this poem? Do you like it?

This is a good poem - simple but effective. It's a bit depressing though! Is your inspiration Philip Larkin?! xD

How can i make my chinese trial 125 faster?

hey i have a Dirt pro gy 125 trial bike in my collection and i have decided to get it out of the shed for a race next weekend across the moors for a laugh, the race is partly on road but mostly off so i will be keeping the off road tyres on but the guy i am racing has a slighter faster chinese trials bike (lifan 125) so what is everything i can do to make my bike go faster? it only has to last about 20 miles.

Brewers in New York...what is the significance?

Some Brewer fan who should know this team goes up or down like a roller coaster team facing the Yankees with a pitching gap in strength due to Marcum not at a 100% and Sabathia in mostly tough form. I don't think he is that friendly (he left us for the money and I met him seemed arrogant and distant) with being with us for only one year. lol Your comments are part right and mostly off base. I only hope some of our weakest hitters this year like Hart, and Mcgehee come to life. Betancourt, and Gomez have to continue to shine. My only favorite pitcher on the team is Ax and he does it by sticking with it, one thing my coach always said to do. Don't let historic Yankee Stadium be a distraction or any of the rude Yankee fans. They remind me of Cubby world here. I have played on hostile turf and speak from some experience. When the opposing team and fans can get nasty play hard. The umpires won't give you an inch on any call and if they do maybe the stars are lined up for this team. I hope the Brewers are mentally tough as well as physically tough here.......(I expect to be ignored lol)

People who wach teen wolf plz help?

Wats the song that plays after he walks out of the house with the Bullet and its like (suger and spice giv me somthing nice ) or somthing along the lines of that

If exposure is 0.2 Gy at 3 ft from an ionizing radiation source, what is the exposure at 18ft?

I know you use the inverse square law for this but i can't find the equation to put my numbers into and solve

REALLY LONG but I REALLY need help ?

Ok, thank you if you can make it through this whole thing. I am 16 years old, I'm gy, and I'm a guy. I am still i the closet to my family. Ok. So, I met a guy online he's 17 and we've been talking for a few months. ( no, he is not a pedophile or someone that migh be dangerous) he is legit trust me. He is bi but I still havn't told him I am gay yet. He always asks though but I like leaving things to the imagination. :P And he aways says things like " I wish I could kiss you right now " or " Wow, you are really nice, I really wish you were into guys " which I am !! But I really don't want to tell him quite yet. IDK why. This is crazy because I am really starting to develop feelings for this guy who I don't know but that I feel soo extreamly close to. He lives only like 10 minutes away so he's really close. I want to meet him but howawkward is it when you are a teenager and you want to meet someone yo met online. Wouldnt that be awkward or something ? We're both really good looking and would make the cutest couple but I really dont know what to do ?? and also if you guys have any tips on coming out to a homophobic family that would really help too. I want to come out in a sarcastic " no big deal" kind of way but idk how. Thank you soo much in advance !!!

Help me make an awesome breakfast?

The omelet sounds really good with the baked apple. I have never tasted Nutella before, (is it bad?) Instead of the bun, I would toast some whole wheat bread (2 slices), one to eat with the eggs and the other with the spread on it. You could also use the second toast for cinnamon toast. I like to have a hot cup of cocoa for breakfast and maybe some orange or apple juice. Good luck with your breakfast.

What to fill crepes with for breakfast (healthy)?

whatever your heart desires! for an apple pie-ish filling just saute the apples in some butter and brown sugar (don't forget a pinch of salt) with the cinnamon, and fill the crepes with them. Maybe top them with mascarpone/whipped cream/cream cheese/ricotta?

What order are the jordan belfort books meant to be read in?

one book is titled, "the Wolf of Wall Street", and the other is "catching the Wolf of Wall Street"

Desserts with female names in the title?

For example, Crepe Suzette. I tried looking up desserts with people names but I could only find desserts named after famous people. I just want a female name in the title it doesn't have to be after a famous person but it does need to be a dessert not like beef or something.

New moon rising by wolf mother?

If you have listen to la woman by the doors it sounds like the chorus from new moon rising. Its about 5 mins in. Its not exactly like it but you know what i mean. what do you guys think?

They pulled off 9/11 and there will be another attack are you prepared for martial law?

We've seen all the videos. We've seen the paper trails. We've heard their excuses and they know George Bush and his cabinet were involved in 9/11 and it was committed by the Mossad. Do we need some Lone Wolves to go after those guilty of committing 9/11/

Need to choose privacy trees/shrubs/vines to plant to hide neighbor's pool deck?

I live in NW Louisiana. Our neighbors have recently built an 18 ft high pool deck and when they are outside in the summer, they are able to look into our yard. Their kids, especially, are always looking over the fence. The pool deck is also not too attractive and is unsightly to look at when we are out trying to relax in the backyard. I would like some ideas as to what we can plant along a 6 ft tall wooden fence (in the sun) that would obscure their view of our yard (needs to grow at least 4-5 ft above our fence). I was thinking of jasmine on a few trellises, trees, tall shrubs, etc... Whatever we plant, I would like it to stay fairly close to the fence (within 2-3 feet) as I have a baby crepe myrtle (will grow to 20 feet high) 7 1/2 ft out from the fence that I don't want to lose. I could plant some tall trees in the middle of the fenceline (crape myrtle in back corner of yard) and some vines/tall shrubs on either side. Thanks for any ideas you might have. This is a side fence and the worst view is right in the middle of the fenceline as it runs from the front to back. I would also appreciate any ideas as to what to plant along the rest of our sunny fenceline without taking up too much of our backyard space.

Would you recommend a kindle to someone for book reading?

I have one and absolutely love it. It has a built in dictionary and can go on the internet anywhere for free without wi-fi. (Plus it looks all important so even if you're on facebook during class, you're teacher still thinks you're a good student.)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Why do I get called a Oreo?

I find this stupid. I get this from my cousins alot sonething like "you aint even black," when I ask why, they say cause i talk white. I guess I phrased the question wrong. I know why but why do people say that? It's stupid. And it's not like I don't I've pride in my self the way I look or my people cause I do. But I also know that today Ebonics is something u just can't Go around saying otherwise ur viewed as uneducated. Sad but true. So why am I criticized for trying to gy somewhere?

Is it just me or was this a little rude?

Yes, you're too sensitive. Also, if you're going to be all holier-than-thou about what you eat, you can't expect others to accommodate you. Doing so makes YOU rude, not them.

Which sandwich appeals to you most?

I have to say I agree, though pictures of sandwiches do not convey the delicious truth, so it is hard to say really. I wish the chip butty was super low calorie, so it could be eaten every day :)

Prophecy. For a story please?

Sorry, but even with the "main points" WRITE YOUR OWN!!!! Look, what's the point of a writing if you need someone else to do it. If you want, you can do what you did in the additional details.

What comes to mind when you think of France?

I am doing a project for children about France, and I am putting pictures on a poster as a part of it. So far I have crepes, a baguette, a croissant, a beret and the eiffel tower. Anything else? Ten points to whoever can come up with the most ideas!

What to do during spring break and pregnant?

Usually I go swimming at the water park or indoor amuesment park, but those seem risky now. What are some super fun things to do that aren't shopping or sex. Lol. Also, crepe suzzete.. Safe or not? (sorry for spelling mistakes on cell)

A book question!!!!!!! Idk if it's good or not.?

I started reading The Hunger Games on a plane & I thought it was really boring in the first coupla chapters. My mom said that was the plane. I read it more & kinda liked it but didn't find it as interesting as the usual books I read about werewolves sush as The Wolves Of Mercy Falls series or Maximum Ride series. I like fantasies & mutants. Do u think it's a good book & would I like it?!?!

I got an email that attached a bank draft in come from Chase Chartered Bank PLC at St.Peter Port,Guernse?

Chase Chartered Bank PLC at St.Peter Port,Guernsey Channel Island,Gy 1 6AE from someone named Charles Walter.does this bank really exist?cause i didn't know anything about this bank,and they will sending me this travellers bank draft through my address or account number.please somebody give me an answer ASAP!

Vancouver canucks and chicago wolves? hodgson?

Since the canucks affiliate is now the Chicago Wolves... Will our players from moose move to chicago?like hodgson, schroeder, lack, and all?

What s and anime with a dog demon in it?

ok im not looking 4 inuyasha but my friend was reading a manga with a dog wolf or fot idk withch i just no its one og though t and i no it had romance in it

A question about crepes?

I was wondering, if you made the batter for the crepes but didn't want to cook them right away, and left the batter in the fridge. Would the batter still be good to make crepes the next day? and how long would it last in the fridge?

Small engine question? Is my small engine getting enough gas?

the smoke from the carb is fuel. sounds like its getting too much. try turning the adjusting screw in to lower the amount of fuel you get

Im going to Paris in April?

I suspect that your laptop does not have a search engine. You can get answers to just about all your questions using google or yahoo.

Is Cr�pe Suzette an alcoholic food?

I wouldn't concern myself about the age of the diner. Restaurants serve it to all ages. No carding involved to order. Usually if using the alcohol on a food to ignite it, when the flame goes out, there is no alcohol left that's why the flame goes out. If you put the flame out with say lemon or orange juice there may be traces left but still so little I would not be concerned.

How much nutella should i put on 4 crepes? i need help!?

i have to do a presentation on crepes and i am passing out crepes to 32 people in my class. what should i fill them with? (im getting the already made crepes but they arnt filled). it cant be to expensive...i wanted to put nutella on them and bananas. how much nutella would i need for 4 crepes (1 table, there is 8 tables with 4 people each on them) idk what to do!

Does anyone have an easy crepe recipe? i want to learn to make them but i want easy recipes.?

im interested in easy, few ingredient recipes, and any other recipes anyone has in mind. i love chicken and im interested in trying new ideas

How can I make my mom's day special tomorrow? she's working.?

I'm 13 and I'm great in the kitchen so I was going to make her favorite crepes with fruit for breakfast tomorrow, along with all the gifts and fun things me my dad and brother had planned in the morning/noon. She told us tonight she's working tomorrow from 7am-3pm...How can I make it a special mother's day now? what can I do, I'm really bummed about her working.

Its going on 4 months and im still sick?

where do i start omg i have been sick since i had sex last year in nov 2010 which gave me the conclusion of a std (scared to death) anyway i got tested for all STD ,HIV,&& whatever else ,,, so i got a pregnacy test which was negative and a blood test which was negative ,,, && a couple weeks later i went to a GY and she told me i was fine she ask me was i stressin which im not so now im taking these pills ZEGERID that treats heart burn for about two weeks ok mind you my syptoms are : naseua , back pains , i eat alot alot ,i feel weird things in my stomach , no headaches just tired and moody and weak like i can walk but i get tired after a while and i use to run track so i dont know whats wrong with me any suggestions :(

How do you make vegan pancakes?

ok i would love a recipe for HEALTHY vegan pancakes or crepes. Please, no butter or sugar. And no margareen. THANKS A MILLION.

What do you do when the gy you like says the reason he never talks to you is because of your friends?

Sounds like an excuse. Unless you're with her 24X7, it makes no sense. Sounds like he's been a jerk to both you and your friend. So what do you like about him..... I guess I missed that part.

What is the best type of crepe myrtle to grow here?

I live in Milwaukee, WI. I wanted to buy a crape myrtle. It says growing zones 6-10 are best. Southeastern WI is just on the border of 5/6. What types are the most hardy. Do you think it stands a chance of survival?

Where is the "shift" in the poem "funeral blues"?

At the transition between the second and the third stanza, where the voice becomes personal and intimate.

Who's more overrated:Blake Griffin or Kevin Love?

They're overrated as hell the both of them. Griffin is only good at dunking and recieving alley-oops. THATS IT he can't do anything else. He just wants to put on a highlight show out there. And Love is just a stat padder who pads his stats on a terrible T'Wolves team. Put Love in a good team and he will be exposed. Both these guys are so overrated, Blake Griffin being more overrated though IMO

Music from tonight's episode (#5) of Teen Wolf?

When Kate is threatening Derek in his house and theres this piano music playing in the background. I need to know the name of this song!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is it okay to eat under the reccomended amount of calories in a day if you get your nutrients?

Instead of just guessing, I would recommend you get on a known diet plan such as the HCG diet, it's healthy & natural & can help you loose weight!

Help, My best friend suddenly stopped being friends with me!? :(?

Ok, so, today during lunch my best friend tells me "we need to talk", and so I follow her into a nearby, private hallway. She then proceeds to to tell me that she wants to "take a break" from our friendship. Now, at first, I'm shocked, because we've been in very few fights, and I don't believe I've been clingy or anything. I ask her why, and she responds that it's because "you're just too perfect". I don't mean to sound conceited, but I was flattered. I was going to ask her to elaborate what she meant, and if there were any other reasons we could talk through, but just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. I tried contacting her later, but she wouldn't respond. :( Once again, I don't mean to sound brag-gy or conceited, but I am a bit more, um... well off than her, and I have, um, been a bit more popular, so maybe she has low-self esteem or something? I don't know, and as far as I know, there are no problems at home. :) By the way, I'm 13, and we've been (or have been) best friends for about 4 years. Thank you! :)

Where can i find someone to draw my fursona?

I'm a wolf furry looking for someone who could draw my fursona. I don't know what other details i would need to add in this post so if you need further details about what i need, contact me at or whichever one is easiest.

How do you get past the web in the Legend of zelda twilight princess whilst being wolf link?

help im stuck on this and I really want to pass the game is there any way. the part im stuck on is the part were I pass the purple lake and I have defeated the monsters but I need to past the big web being wolf link plz help

MTG: Question on countering?

Something you should be aware of, Cascade happens before whatever spell you played resolves. This means that if you top deck a giant growth for instance, you cannot use it on the BloodBraid Elf that you just played. Your opponent may also wait to see what spell you cascade into before deciding which to counter.

I am depressed and suicidal, I told my parents 6 months ago but they ignored me.?

"Worthless" "Pathetic" "Useless" "Terrible" "Always. Never. Good. Enough" WHAT THE @$$F@#KED donkey is that!?! "Your pathetic" and "useless" and they don't care about this? They're evil! Call the cops for child discrimination!

Attraction to my male bstfriend?

i find myself attractd to my mal bestfriend which im a guy to. i found him atractive and i loved hm alot... but at the sam time i liked a couple girls.. i told one of my friends and they totally unerstood me.. but i couldn accept it. i told him i likd a gy once named alec (to just see what he woul say) i never told him it was realy him. he accepted it. we arent friends anymore and he still knows th secret and im worried he'll tell.... but beyyond that.. am i gay? bi? what is this?

Any ideas for a healthy low calorie delicious crepe filling ?

I would like it to be Sweet , I want to change my breakfast routine , but I don't want to feel guilty after eating it !! :P

Why does the smell of Kimchi smell so bad?!?

I mean really how can certain people adore the smell all those spices coming out of your pores. I sorry but it really smells like 3 week old carry out. I really hate when im in a enclosed area and some gy walks in smelling like kimchi stinks up the whole place want to throw up. I don't see how Koreans/indians or anyone else who let the smell of Kimchi seep out there pores is attractive.

How do you make crepes?

I found these crepe recipes on that I thought looked really good. I have been meaning to try some of them, but haven't got around to it yet. Maybe you could try them out.Click the link below to see the crepe ideas.

Im looking for a good anime or manga?

Im looking for an anime that has action,samurai's,ninjas,and demons,dragoms and wolf and alots of blood. Can you please list some good anime that has those feature

Grad school? ? Should I go after I graduate from undergrad with a major in finance ?

Get a job first. In business, degrees without substantive work experience aren't worth nearly as much as a combination of both.

Cool, Interesting, GlutenFree Recipes?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What's some jazz I might like?

If I like instrumental rock like Tortoise and GY!BE? I want to get into jazz but don't know where to start.

Cracks on 5th metatarsal bone .Once cast is removed what sort of exercises should i do ?

Once cast is removed what sort of exercises should i do ? Is it ok to walk? should i wear a crepe bandage?

I need help to lose weight?

im at the moment 126 punds ive lost 5 punds oon mt own but that took me two weeks. i need a plan from someone who can help and who is atleast semi proffesional i dont have access to a gy but i have weights at home. i donnt want to cancel anything out of my diet other than the obvious sugars carbs and junk food. i want to be atleast 115 punds for a short term goal but long term 100 im overweight for my age right now snd i want to be able to wear a bikini for spring break so please can u suggest a workout routine and eating plan thank you so much. if theres any additional quesstions write them down in the comments and llook at the question bar again and ill try to answer it. ohh also i want to get started as soon as possible.

Omg fml my dog ate my nutella:(?

your dog should be fine. although chocolate is bad for dogs this is mainly because ALL cats and dogs are lactose intolerant, so don't give them anything mixed with 'human' milk - gives cats and dogs a kind of 'hang over' effect. Give him plenty of water and a small amount of dried food to help digestion.

Where can I find a fisheye or wide-angle lens for my professional camera?And what size do I need?

first of all, you bought the wrong lens for the camera. JVC (Fujinon) makes a wide angle zoom Th13x3.5 BRMU which would be ideal for you. $8315 list price. It is the equivalent of a 0.6x adaptor for the lens you have, except it can be used full time. JVC's wide adaptor for your lens is the WCV-82sc, $651 list but it is discontinued making it hard to find. you can use any 3rd party lens adaptor that mounts on an 82mm filter thread.

What does this dream mean?

Maybe it means your stressed or worried about something. Dreams could have a meaning or maybe not. No one really knows. Is there something that your scared of or worried about?

Dinner for my parents anniversery help!?

Its my mom and dads anniversery 2morrow and i wanna make them dinner with my sister. It has to be something easy and i cant have to go out and buy stuff for it. We dont have meat or somthing but i can make crepes and i did that last year for their anniversry and they liked it shud i just do that? LUV YAAAA

I want to be a Wolf Shapeshifter?

I have always wanted to be able to shift into a wolf. I believe that this is what I'm destined to be. I want to physically be able to shift into a wolf. I love Twilight, but this is not why I want to be a wolf. I've wanted this every since I was 12 years old.

What is this song called (from mtv show teen wolf)?

im a avid watcher and fan of the MTV show teen wolf ....hahahaha. and i heard a song on the last episode thats like "everybodys lookin at you like they wanna go home with you" thats rlly all i know bout it. it comes on at the part when the aunt accuses scott of stealing from her bag then as soon as allision...hahah... says she did it, pulls out the condom, the song come on. if u watch teen wolf u would know what i mean lol. BUT WAT IS THIS SONG!? i love it and ive gone to the ends of the earth (or just youtube&google but thats ok..) to find it!!! anyone know? I WOULD LOVE U 4EVER AND GIVE U BEST ANSWERRRR <333

Who do I believe - her or her class mates/friends?

You should believe her because she is the one that its really coming from. If you believe her friends then they are probably leaving out something or adding something that doesn't need to be there.

How come people who visit chernobyl isn't affected by the radiation?

you are only allowed to visit certain areas of the complex - many areas you still need special gear and can only stay a short time.

Should i ask him or wait for him to ask me??!!!?

Ok so i really like this gy and im pretty sure he likes me but idk. Should i ask him out or should i wait for him? How do i handle it if he says no?

What does it mean when a gy touches your leg?

We were in class watching a movie, all the lights were off and we sat in the back. When the movie started, he started getting closer and closer to me and started rubbing my arm.Then at one point he put his hand on my thigh. What does this mean?

Teen Wolf episode 5 of season 1 where can I watch without doing any survey?

I don't wanna miss this episode..this new werewolves show on MTV has made me a regular viewer..Any help to get this online?


Your underweight for your height, and I am assuming your a male because of your name- Bob. By the way HOW OLD ARE YOU? I checked you in as a 16 year old and the BMI calculator said it's a normal weight, but it really depends on your age, so edit your AGE!!! Anyways, your eating healthy just don't SKIP MEALS!! Don't go days STARVING!! If your do then your anorexic. Anyways, eat well, and again DO NOT SKIP MEALS!!! Your going to give a bad habit to your stomach to the point where YOUR OWN MUSCLES IS GOING TO BE EATING EACH OTHER!!!! TRUE STORY!! ****Think for the INFO! lol Now I know your not a guy. Okay cool, your normal weight!! Just don't hit 99 pounds! : /

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Girls would you rather date a nice ugly guy or hott sexy self centered guy?

i watched this movie island of grace... anyway... the girl first chose.. the mean hott guy who lies and cheats... but eventually realized the ugly nice gy was for her... and she was hott.. kinnda like good guys always finish last lmfao...

NBA: Should Kahn & Wolves trade Beasley for a younger, better Center?

Honestly I would say keep Beasley because Michael Beasley would be a good extra scoring option. If the T Wolves were to trade someone I would say trade Martel Webster for a reliable 3 point shooter. A lineup of Derrick Williams and Michael Beasley would look pretty good. Kahn wants an up tempo system which is when Rubio is at his best. If you have a team that runs up tempo it's best to stack up on athletic forwards that can score. Yeah I would definitely say wait and see how things pan out before you decide to trade him...If I was the GM and I honestly wouldnt trade Beasley for Bynum. I like Andrew Bynum and all but he's too injury prone. So if you get Bynum you would be taking a big risk.

I binge eat everyday(i think) what should i do?

i think what i do is binge but i am not positive... For example ill eat like a couple panecakes and some peanutbutter and id call that a binge...another example is if i have like oatmeal and like a crepe with filling and a piece of pizza ...are these binges or just simply overeating...i havent gained weight because i am very active and im in track but i feel guilty all the time and i dont know what to do...helppp

Does this sound good? (for fillings of crepes)?

Roll your crepes strawberry, bananas and a little chocolate sauce then whip some heavy whipping cream till stiff but not tok long it will turn to butter on you. Scoop on top of crepes and sprinkle with nuts of choice. I like pecans or walnuts. Fresh squeezed mimosa's to quiet the sweet.

Removing moles without scarring or going to a dermatologist? ?

You need to go to the dermatologist to have it removed. I could be cancerous or it could be nothing but better go and be safe. There is no safe way to remove moles yourself.

In the episode "Crying Wolf" (TVD) Elena Says "There's A Box We Shouldn't Open." What Does She Mean?

I was watching it earlier today and I was confused. I kinda thought they were talking about a wedding ring box, but I have no clue. They might've meant something else. ??/ Anyyy thoouughhhtss??

Teen wolf song when scott and alison make out?

what is the name of the song when they went to her room to study and alison and scott were bout 2 have sex in her bedroom when she pushes him to the bed?

Is a ram strong enough to defend against a wolf?

I've looked everywhere on google for the answer but I just can't find it. I want to know because I refuse to believe that male sheep are too weak to defend themselves.

Confused with Teen Wolf Episode 5, Ending?

I didn't understand what was going on when everyone was panicking, and running to their cars after the conferences. Why did only Allison and Scott not understand what was going on? And what Was going on? Did people see a mountain lion and were paranoid because of the recent attack? And was it a mountain lion? Why was everyone so sad after Allison's dad shot it?

What different foods can i put toppings on?

how about a banana float? all those items seem to go with it, and you can charge extra if people want a combination of toppings, thus earning you more money.

Can you melt spreadable butter in the microwave?

I have the Land O' Lake Spreadable Butter with Canola Oil, and I plan on making crepes for breakfast tomorrow and the recipe calls for melted butter. Just wanna be sure.

I have MINI DVs shot with JVC GY 200 and 110 models. Problem is!!!!?

these JVC cameras shoot in a number of non-standard HDV modes, including progressive and 720 line which is not supported by computer programs that are limited to standard protocol video iLink.

Did i eat alot today ?

Mm it sounds like a lot but maybe not so much because that is spread throughout the day and it doesn't seem like the things you ate really had a shocking amount of calories. They seem like pretty low calorie meals. It's probably just enough with a good variety.

Why did Lebron James Choke in the 2011 NBA FINALS?

this is easy..... Yes lol he was bad compared to what his full potential is. He didnt even want the ball in the 4th quarter.

Will someone bite me a turn me into a werewolf?

I am an honest hard working individual that doesn’t give up on anything. I am fairly strong and am more than capable of defending a pack. I know many fighting styles and have a knack for getting strong and faster than others better than me. I learn fast and will do as told by an alpha or those of higher command. I take orders well and execute them efficiently as possible. I am not able to shift but I know I am a wolf by heart and blood. You can sense it yourself in person. If your willing to give me a shot at a pack spot i will swear to you my loyalty. I know there is some people that will post here saying I am dillusional and mental. I understand what i am saying and i respect your opinions but please show me some respect as well and don't leave stupid comments.

Modern red riding hood?

how to incorporate and essence of red riding hood into my wardrobe. I love the style of amanda seyfried in red riding hood so things similar to her wardrobe in the movie would be nice. where to buy articles of little red riding hood clothing/ jewelry? Im going into high school and love little red riding hood I want my clothes and jewelry to make people think of the story but without overdoing it (I don't want to look like Im wearing a costume). I liked the idea of subtle things like wolf jewelry and a red coat:)

What do you think Xherdan Shaqiri?

Looks like a good player impressive in the European Under-21 Football Championship for Switzerland. Signed him in Fifa career mode for Wolves does the trick on the left wing.

Hiv through needles??????

You've got one crazy imagination, I'll tell you that! First of all, you can't fill a syringe full of HIV and second, why would someone do that anyway? Its impossible. You need to get some help with your anxiety issues.

What are some common French foods I might see at an average American restaurant?

We all hear about how great French food is but beyond crepes and bagels I don't really know of any French food. When I go to an average restaurant (I'm in the Midwest) what might I see on the menu that is French? I can figure out what is Italian food, Mexican food, Asian food, and of course American food, but for something that is so popular why can't I pick out the French food? Is it uncommon to see French food at "normal" restaurants or are there no common French entrees?

Why do people call me a Oreo?

I find this stupid. I get this from my cousins alot sonething like "you aint even black," when I ask why, they say cause i talk white. I guess I phrased the question wrong. I know why but why do people say that? It's stupid. And it's not like I don't I've pride in my self the way I look or my people cause I do. But I also know that today Ebonics is something u just can't Go around saying otherwise ur viewed as uneducated. Sad but true. So why am I criticized for trying to gy somewhere?

Saltwater fish question?

ok so i am upgrading my 90 gallon to a 360 gallon and i wanted to add new stuff and give away all my old stuff and i was thinking about a biscuit sea star,1 wolf eel,1 zebra eel,1 moorish idol,8 blue reef chromis,2 blue line grouper,a 10in by 8 inch rock cave for the eels to hide in ,a few rock condos,2 small batches of green sea kelp,1 baby mimic octopus

I can't find anymore good anime. Anyone know any good ones?

Hetalia Axis Power/World Series is hilarious, Ouran High School Host Club is funny, and Fruits Basket is a nice mix. Sorry if you've seen them ^^ Hetalia, is my personal favorite out of the listed, though.

What practical applications does the Belief in the Existence of a Supreme Being have?

The concept of a Supreme Being has very practical application for those who can convince others that they speak in its name.

Really....What sign would do this?

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